YOU BELONG!! Never doubt your worth or question whether you should be at UM (or anywhere else for that matter.) You didn’t take anyone else’s seat, it is YOURS.
Nancy Lucero (Graduate Student)
Share Your Story
I applied to the University of Michigan LSA in 2009. I had a dream of attending UM since 7th grade. It was the only school I applied to and I got accepted! I stepped foot on the campus as an Undocumented First Gen Latina, soon to discover that I could not afford to attend UM and that there was no funding available for me because of my status. With much heartache, I left. I was devastated and upset with all who had told me that if I worked hard enough, picked myself up by my boot straps, and went above and beyond that it would be a possibility for me when it was not. Those who made it possible for me to return, were UM students who fought for changes in the residency classifications and pushed for the allotment for funds for students like myself who could not receive federal financial aid. I returned in 2013, all thanks to those students who fought and organized for access and funding. I graduated with a bachelors in American Culture in 2016 and a masters in Social Work in 2017. I was born in Oaxaca, Mexico. For a long time, I felt like I did not belong here and I could not return there. It took a long time for me to own my story and feel proud of my accomplishments. I can’t say this with certainty, but I was first Undocumented First Gen student to graduate after the policy change. Eso es ser chingona.
Your advice for other First-Gen students
YOU BELONG!! Never doubt your worth or question whether you should be at UM (or anywhere else for that matter.) You didn’t take anyone else’s seat, it is YOURS. You worked harder for it than anyone else. You deserve every accolade and acknowledgement. But even if you had not gotten accepted, you are still worthy of love and acceptance. Take advantage of every opportunity and make way for those who come behind you. Breathe, take care of yourself, and own your story.