MESA: A Conversation with Author Putsata Reang. Ma and Me: A Memoir

MESA: A Conversation with Author Putsata Reang. Ma and Me: A Memoir

MESA: A Conversation with Author Putsata Reang. Ma and Me: A Memoir

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Ma and Me: A Memoir can be described as an excellent interwoven story of the refugee experience, the Americanization of immigrant children, tension and drama between mother and daughter’s cultural expectations, the lingering effects of war, and the pursuit of the American dream. With a journalist’s eye and a creative writer’s heart, Cambodian-American journalist Putsata Reang has crafted a memorable narative with poignant lines, rare clarity, and lyrical wisdom. Her story reflects the long legacy of inherited trauma, as well as the crushing weight of cultural and filial duty carried by many immigrants and refugees as they navigate transnational, first-gen, queer, and ethnic and racial identities in the US.

Please join us for this conversation with Putsata Reang in the Helmut Stern Auditorium, UMMA on Friday, Mar 24, 2023.
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM (Door opens at 1:30 PM and Book Signing is at 3:30 PM)
This event is open to all UofM community members and registration is required. The first 50 people who register and show up to attend the event will receive a free copy of the book at the sign-in on the day of the event with the presence of UMID.

This event is coordinated by the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs and co-sponsored by The Spectrum Center, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, The Trotter Multicultural Center, and The First-Generation Gateway.
If you have any questions, please contact MESA at [email protected]

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

03-24-23 | 02:00 PM to
03-24-23 | 04:00 PM

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